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About this blog: Computers hate me. They really do. Every time I try to do something unusual like add new hardware, something is guaranteed to go wrong. I decided to start writing about my constant problems so that someone else might benefit from my experiences - or at least laugh at them!

  What they don't tell you about onboard pseudo-RAID

03 November 2007, 11:04pm      

If you upgrade motherboards then there's a good chance that your hardware - or driver - may be incompatible with the newer chipset. I upgraded from an Asus P5LD2 Deluxe (Intel Matrix ICH7R) to an Asus P5K-E wifi (Intel Matrix ICH9R) and it refuses to complete the Windows boot process. You would think that a newer chipset would be backward compatible, right? Wrong. I had noticed previously that the ICH7R doesn't like having its driver restored; I presume there's a magic number somewhere that doesn't match up with the metadata stored on the drive, so it panics and reboots.

I did back up everything first, since I was pretty sure something was going to go wrong. It had to!

Time to reinstall Windows, AGAIN. :(

Related posts:
When you should and shouldn't upgrade to a newer version
How much does it really cost to run a modest RAID array?