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About this blog: Computers hate me. They really do. Every time I try to do something unusual like add new hardware, something is guaranteed to go wrong. I decided to start writing about my constant problems so that someone else might benefit from my experiences - or at least laugh at them!

  Trying NFS

11 May 2008, 12:48pm      

After the numerous stability problems I've had over the past 2 1/2 years (plus a few hardware glitches) since I started using Intel Matrix RAID I'm toying with the idea of canning local RAID and instead storing all of my data on a dedicated (and stable) NAS box.

My first experiment with ProNFS v2.9 didn't go too well.

I mounted the remote volume without any trouble, and was able to copy some test files without any issue. NTbackup sped along at about 200kbytes/sec (that is kiloBYTES per second) until I fiddled with some of the NFS settings and managed to get it to about 3Mbytes/sec. I then started a "live" file copy of my 500GB of data sitting on the local RAID5 array to the NFS mount, and went to bed.

Came back this morning to a dark screen - absolutely nothing showing, and the comp was hard locked. The FreeBSD server only showed 18MBytes worth of data had been transferred to the mount.

Since then the comp has crashed twice again, each within 5 minutes of reboot. First time was a spontaneous reboot, second was a blue screen and lockup.

Uninstalling ProNFS for now since that seems to be the likely suspect.

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[Bong Cooler] Trying out a supplementary cooling system
How to install Microsoft Windows Services for Unix on XP Home (NFS)