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About this blog: Computers hate me. They really do. Every time I try to do something unusual like add new hardware, something is guaranteed to go wrong. I decided to start writing about my constant problems so that someone else might benefit from my experiences - or at least laugh at them! |
I just found out the hard way that my trick for disabling the power button under FreeBSD doesn't work if you press and hold it down. I was trying to reach behind to plug in a KVM cable to another computer, and unfortunately rested my hand on the power button. The case design has it right on the side so it's quite easy to press accidentally.
FreeBSD is NOT happy! Two mirrors are rebuilding, there's file system damage, enough for it to refuse to start... requiring fsck to be run manually. It's a database machine so I guess I'll be running a few REPAIR TABLE commands as well...
Related posts:
Quick tip: Disabling power button under FreeBSD
[Bong Cooler] Power supply heat catcher
Power supply knocking on death's door
Beware of HDDerase reducing your hard drive capacity